River Flags: | |
Isis: | |
Godstow: |
On a lovely moonlit night, Mary, Philip, Chris Pederson and I met to paddle down to the pub at Sandford. We managed it in double quick time, pace setting by Chris in his fibreglass tourer. The moon was reflected beautifully in the water and we could see for a good way. On the way back, we did it in half an hour!
On a dry and medium-warm day, Roy, his daughter,
Ruth, Rob, his son Danny, Stefan and I , set off fo a
morning's trip up the Cherwell. We stopped once ot
twicw on the way, to explore more fully some useful
strokes like the 'J' and the power stroke, both children
having a go too. We made good progress up to
Magdalen College, where we stopped to let the
children run around a little and have a snack. We then
proceded round the back of the deer park, past the
little weir and rejoined the main Cherwell by
Magdalen Bridge, squeezing past the punts. Then
down, past Magdalen College School cricket grounds
and back down the Thames.
- Penny Terry
On a lovely suuny morning, Stefan, Ken, Philip and
I met to go up to Oseney lock and thence to
circumnavigate Oseney Island. The river was up
about 6 inches and running over the little weir
under the Botley Road bridge with some decision.
So , without too much scrabbling and scraping, over
we all went. having reached the far left hand bend
when one would normally proceed round the island,
Philip spotted a hitherto inaccessable opening to
the right. In true Philip style, this pointed to him the
way to a yet unnavigated ditch, linking to the Botley
Stream. We duly fought our way over pipes and
concrete, eventually poling our way past debris etc
to come out at the Binsey Lane bridge. Just passing
Halfords, we spotted a rather good abandoned
touring bike, whizzed over the fence and nestling in
the nettles. We of course fought our way to it and
liberated it from its discomfort, to rest cosily in
Philip's boat and be offered a good home! After
that, plain sailing down the Botley Stream and then
rejoining the Thames. All thoroughly enjoyed the